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发布时间:2021-10-21     作者:   分享到:

讲座题目: Intersections among Language, Dementia, and Care

讲座人: Boyd H. Davis 教授   美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校

讲座时间: 20211024号(周日) 19:00-21:00

讲座地点: Zoom 会议      会议号: 899 5615 0666     密码: 211024


Dr. Boyd H. Davis is Cone Professor and Professor of Applied Linguistics, UNC Charlotte. She studies sociohistorical approaches to narrative, pragmatics and stance, especially in medical discourse and Alzheimer’s speech, and digital corpora. She is co-director of the Carolinas Conversation Collection, an NIH-supported web portal to several hundred conversational interviews with impaired/ unimpaired older persons. Her most recent discussions of language and dementia are published in International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, Journal of pragmatic, European Journal of English Studies, AmJ of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias. 


The study of language in aging itself is relatively new: Kemper called in 1989 for the study of communicative competence across the lifespan, including how older persons disclose “autobiographical reminiscences,” interact intergenerationally, and how family members and caregivers talk with disabled older adults. Some people are ‘old’ at 50, others may look but not act or sound old until their eighties. And what do we mean, ‘act or sound old’? Norms and expectations for being old, acting old, and talking old are changing rapidly. A focus on instruction for caregiving to older people, especially those who may have a dementia, is also relatively recent. For example, governments in different countries – we’ll look at China and the U.S. as examples - are beginning to examine the role of multilingual immigrant direct care workers and the training challenges they provide. Can you identify ways to communicate with persons in various stages of dementia – and then teach them to strangers who might not speak the same language as the person they’ve been hired to care for? This discussion will also look at how to research and analyze dementia discourse and care strategies from multidisciplinary perspectives and in a range of multiple modalities, whether in interaction that is face-to-face or recorded in different kinds of corpora or transmitted by the Internet through social media.

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