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2008年至今,在《外语教学理论与实践》、《西南科技大学学报》等刊物上发表学术论文二十余篇,在AILA World Congress, ICLC, AIANZ,TESOL等国内国际会议发言十余次,参编教材一部,主持陕西省社科项目一项、校级项目两项,并参与国社科、省级等研究项目。





· He, L., Dong, M.& Wang, J.2023. Are learners aware of their strategy use? Investigating EFL learners’self-perceived metacognitive awareness of reading strategies with the MARSI-R, English Language Teaching, 16(7),81-90. https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/elt/issue/view/0/2937


· He, L., Chen, R. & Dong, M.2023. Humorous mockery: How to amuse and be polite at the same time. Journal of Pragmatics,211,31-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2023.04.007


· Dong, M., Chen, R. & He, L. 2023. Gender bias in the Chinese epicene pronoun ta. Language Sciences, 97, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2023.101543


· He, L., Chen, R.& Dong, M. 2022. ‘Leftover women’: A sociolinguistic study of gender bias in Chinese. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 58(3),477-507.


· 贺琳、王静、刘红利. 2022. 外语阅读策略元认知意识与外语阅读水平相关性研究《牡丹江教育学院学报》,9,74-87.


· 贺琳,黄天娇. 2022.“互联网+”背景下数字阅读的挑战与思考—以外语阅读为例.《教学观察》,1,89-91,106.


· 贺琳. 2021. “提问” 引导 “思考” —“外语阅读” 课程思政教学路径探索. 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》,5,10-11.


· 贺琳,张京鱼. 2021. 基于注意假说理论的外语课堂语法教学探索《大学教育》,10,134-136.


· 贺琳2021. 初中英语语法教学困境与应对策略. 《黑龙江教师发展学院学报》. 40(12), 82-84.


· 丁昱、王晶、贺琳. 2021. 疫情下宣传标语的言语行为分析.《新闻研究导刊》,6,50-51.


· 贺琳、赵青、李艺. 2018. 中学生英语句子加工过程中词汇信息提取的研究.《英语教师》,18,49-53.


· 董明、贺琳. 2017. 英语精读课堂教师提问个案研究.《陕西教育》(高教),11, 4-7.


· 贺琳. 2017.二语习得语法教学中的过程性教学法研究.《陕西教育》(高教),6, 25-28.

· Boers, Frank, Warren, Paul, He, L., Deconinck, J. 2017. Does adding pictures to glosses enhance vocabulary uptake from reading? System. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2017.03.017

· Boers, F., Demecheleer, M., He, L., Deconinck, J., Stengers, H., and Eyckmans, J. 2016.Typographic enhancement of multiword units in second language text. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 27(2),448-469. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijal.12141

· 贺琳.2014. 注意语言形态是否会影响语言意义的获得-以二语阅读为任务的实证研究。《外语教学理论与实践》第三期,44-48.

· He, L., Shang, M., & Wang, Y.2013.Vocabulary learning activities employed by Chinese EFL learners and their reflections on these activities. GSTF Journal on Education, 18. DOI. 10.5176/2345-7163_1.1.7#sthash.1C1eLCXu.dpuf.

· Chen, Ron, He, L. & Hu, Chunmei.2013.Chinese requests: In comparison to American and Japanese requests and with reference to the “East-West divide”. Journal of Pragmatics,55,140-161.

· Chen, Ron, Hu, Chunmei, & He, L.2013.Lying between English and Chinese: An intercultural comparative study. Journal of Intercultural Pragmatics, 10(3), 375-401.

· 贺琳.2012.语义深加工在二语词汇记忆中的作用.《西南科技大学学报》, 3,33-37. 

· 贺琳.2011.基于研究设计的ICT辅助语言教学研究的个案分析.《读与写杂志》,6,40-42.


· 贺琳、王妍.2011.语言测试:针对大学英语口语考试内容的分析.《语言与文化》9,39-43.

· 贺琳.2010.浅谈心理阅读猜谜游戏理论与信息处理阅读理论的异同.《读与写杂志》,4,26,35. 

· 贺琳、杨宁.2010. 针对中国大学生对汉语新词汇接收程度的调查—基于英语与非英语专业的对比研究.《学园》6,10-12.


· Chen, Rong; He, Lin, Dong, Ming. 2019. Leftover women: Impoliteness, gender identify & social values. The 16th International Pragmatics Conference, Hong Kong.

· He, Lin.2017. Introducing IRIS. 中国英语教学国际研讨会, Xi’an.

· He, L., Wang, Y. & Guo, Q. 2017. Foreign grammar instruction & Processing Instruction. SLA International Forum, Dalian University of Foreign Languages.

· He, L.& Zhao, Q. 2016. What linguistic cues do Chinese EFL learners use when they process English sentences? The Seventh SLA International Forum in China, Chongqing University.

· He, L. 2014. The effects of Processing Instruction on the learning of English relative clauses. AILA World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

· He, L. 2013. Perspectives on in-class English grammar teaching from Chinese English teachers and students. FASSGRAD Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference. Waikato, New Zealand.

· He, L. 2012. An examination on research methods of empirical studies on processing    instruction. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia National Conference. Perth, Australia.

· He, L. & Hu, Chunmei. 2012. Levels of processing and second language vocabulary learning. The 15th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics. Xi’an, China.

· He, L., Hu, Chunmei, & Li, Jingjing.2011. Temperature metaphor network in Mandarin Chinese. The 11th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Xi’an, China.

· He, L. & Yang, N. 2008. Integration in form and meaning: A case study. The 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Essen, Germany.

· Wang, Y. & He, L.2014. Raising Chinese EFL learners’ metacognitive awareness of vocabulary learning activities. The 7th International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) in China. Nanjing University, China. 23-26, Oct.

· He, L.2014.The effects of processing instruction on the learning English relative clauses. Brisbane, Australia: The 17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA).

· He, L.2013.Estimating the transparency of sentence types: Does EFL teachers and learners see eye to eye? The 3rd Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ) and Australia (ALAA) Conferences and Symposium. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.



· 2018 陕西省社会科学基金项目  (2018M06)“注意力资源限制下的英语词形句型加工与语法教学研究”(主持、结项)。  


· 2018 陕西省教育厅专项科研项目(18JK0631)“圣经文学与莎士比亚比较研究——从悲剧互文角度解释扫罗和麦克白”(参与)。


· 2018 威尼斯615vip游戏校级科研项目(18XWB04)“二语阅读课堂中的语境词义构建训练:推理路径、文本线索与教师话语”(参与)。


· 2018 威尼斯615vip游戏校级教改项目(18BZ06)“《国标》指导下的大学英语专业学术论文写作改革研究与实践——以‘产出导向法’为例”(参与)。


· 2018 陕西省教育科学规划办项目“基于《国标》的陕西高校英语专业学术论文写作改革与实践研究——以‘产出导向法’为例”(参与)。


· 2017威尼斯615vip游戏年度科研基金资助一般项目(17XWB05 “显性信息在过程性教学中对目标语法习得的作用”(主持、结项)。


· 2017威尼斯615vip游戏教学改革研究一般项目(17BYG05)“基于翻转课堂的微课教学在英语专业阅读教学中应用探析”(主持、结项)。


· 2016 国家社会科学基金项目(16XYY010)“英语专业学生语用能力多模态语料库多研发和应用”(参与)。


· 2011陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(11JK0420)“‘说谎’言语行为的英汉语用对比分析”(参与)。




· “新冠肺炎防疫标语的动员效能研究—基于语言学和统计学研究方法”(S20200724119)省级,一般项目,结项。指导老师:贺琳、高灿


· “后疫情时代口罩污染现象的对策研究—以西安市为例”(S202110724047)国家级,一般项目,结项。指导老师:贺琳



· 威尼斯615vip游戏第三届青年教师教学竞赛    一等奖

· 威尼斯615vip游戏第三届微课教学比赛         一等奖