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百个党史微故事11 | 党支部书记王改燕为您推荐《雷锋图啥我图啥》
发布时间:2021-04-01     作者:   分享到:









What Lei Feng pursued is what I pursue    



In Kedong County, there is a patriotism education base built in a private house. The founder of this base is Liu Yulin.  


199331日, 刘玉林正在县实验小学为近千名师生做《向雷锋学习,做好革命接班人》的报告。大女儿刘镇平匆忙赶到会场时,见他正动情地领唱《中国少年先锋队队歌》,她眼泛泪花,不忍打断。  

On March 1, 1993, Liu Yulin was giving a report on "Learning from Lei Feng and Becoming a Revolutionary Successor" for nearly 1,000 teachers and students at the County Experimental Primary School. When his eldest daughter Liu Zhenping hurried to the venue, she saw that he was excitedly leading the team song of the Youth Pioneers of China. Her eyes were full of tears and she couldnt bear to interrupt him.  



It was not until the end of the report that she went to tell him that her mother who was hospitalized had passed away. Liu Yulin was stunned and said nothing when he heard the words. His wife who had been with him for 40 years has passed away, but he failed to stay there, failed to say the last word to her, and failed to give her the last ride.  


他架起双拐刚一迈步,老泪纵横而下…… 一次,一位老友问他:“老刘,你不在家好好待着,成天瘸瘸地东奔西走,图个啥啊?” “雷锋图啥我就图啥!”刘玉林拿拐杖往地上一敲,头也不回地走了。  

As soon as he took a step with the crutches, tears flowed down his face... Once, an old friend asked him: "Lao Liu, you don't stay at home and limp around all day long. What do you pursue? " What Lei Feng pursued is what I pursue!" Liu Yulin knocked on the ground with the crutches, and walked away without looking back.  

