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百个党史微故事64 | 教师党员成瑛为您推荐《邓初民:古稀之年终入党》
发布时间:2021-05-24     作者:   分享到:








Deng Chumin: Joining the CPC in His Seventies


Deng Chumin went to Japan to pursue an academic career in his early years. Under the influence of the progressive professor Kawakami Hajime, he read The Communist Manifesto and other academic works and became one of the earliest scholars to be exposed to Marxism in China.




In the five years since Deng Chumin returned to China after graduation, great changes had taken place in China’s political situation. Deng Chumin decided to go to the south to devote himself to the Revolution. Soon after arriving in Wuhan, he joined the Kuomintang (KMT) through the introduction of Dong Biwu. Chiang Kai-shek provoked a dispute about “Relocating the Capital City” after the Northern Expeditionary Army occupied Nanchang. Deng Chumin went to Nanchang to try to persuade Chiang Kai-shek to carry the National Revolution through to the end in compliance with Sun Yat-sen’s wish. However, Chiang Kai-shek was not swayed at all. In March 1927, the Party Headquarter in Hubei Province held a mass meeting to celebrate the KMT government’s relocation of the capital city to Wuhan. And it’s at this general meeting that Deng Chumin delivered a speech aiming to criticize the secessionist movement provoked by the KMT’s right-wing. After Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup, Deng Chumin was very angry and strongly advocated suppressing Chiang Kai-shek. Soon Deng Chumin was regarded as a pro-Communist, which made him difficult to gain a foothold in Wuhan. Therefore, he had to leave Wuhan for Shanghai.



After that, Deng Chumin actively participated in the Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Movement. After the breakout of Anti-Japanese War, Deng Chumin went up north to Wuhan to engage in the National United Front after talking to Communist Zhang Yunyi in person. In February 1946, after the Jiaochangkou Incident in Chongqing, Deng Chumin and others jointly published the Letter to the Whole Nation, exposing the crimes of the KMT reactionaries against peace. In early 1949, he arrived in Beijing together with a group of democrats, and participated in the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in September.



In 1962, Deng Chumin joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the age of 73. He was very happy about it and expressed his excitement by quoting the famous lines from Su Shi that “Who claims that people can’t once be a teenager? The stream in front of the door still can flow to the west!”