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百个党史微故事68 | 教师党员尚丽华为您推荐《张浩:一个人的长征》
发布时间:2021-05-29     作者:   分享到:





推荐理由: 张浩是中国工人运动的先驱者,是伟大的共产主义战士。 他一生中两次孤身长征,使中国共产党了解到最新国际形势,为纠正“左倾错误”,制止张国焘的分裂行为做出了卓越贡献。他逝世后,毛主席送了“忠心为国,虽死犹荣”的挽词,并亲自执绋抬棺。人无精神则不立,国无精神则不强。年轻一代应当感悟、学习、继承和发扬先辈的革命精神,志存高远,做有担当的时代新人。



Zhang Hao: One Man’s Long March



On October 19th 1935, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) arrived at Wuqi Town in northern Shaanxi, putting a triumphant end to the 25,000-li Long March of the Central Red Army. However, a few risks still confronted the Party: The Second and Fourth Armies were yet on the Long March, Zhang Guotao had established an illegitimate Central Committee, and the Left-leaning route within the Party was in urgent need of eradication. It was at this time that a thin swarthy man who claimed to be Zhang Hao found the Party Organization in Dingbian County, Shaanxi Province, and asked to meet with the leadership of the Central Committee.




It turned out that the contact between the Central Committee of CPC and the Communist International broke off during the Long March. In the meanwhile, at the historic Seventh Congress of the Communist International in July 1935, the strategic policy of establishing an international anti-fascist united front was made. According to the congress contents, the Chinese Communist Party’s delegation to the Communist International drafted the famous “A Letter to All Compatriots for Resistance Against Japan and Salvation of China” on August 1st, or the so-called “August 1st Declaration”. In order to convey the gist of the congress and “August 1st Declaration” and to reestablish liaison with the Central Committee of CPC, the Communist International decided to dispatch Zhang Hao back to China as the bearer.



This journey, a mission of great significance, required a comrade with high prestige, unlimited loyalty to the Party as well as a will of iron. Considering this, as a well-known leader of the labour movement in CPC, well acquainted with party leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhang Wentian, and Zhang Guotao, Zhang Hao became an ideal person for this mission.



In order not to reveal the secrets, the bearer was not allowed to take a single sheet of confidential information the whole journey. Therefore, Zhang Hao spent half a month memorizing the congress contents, “August 1st Declaration” and a book full of dull and dreary ciphers. In September 1935, Zhang Hao departed Moscow for Outer Mongolia first and then trudged back to China. Suffering a continually starving and barely sheltered journey, Zhang Hao arrived at Dingbian County eventually. Soon afterwards, he was taken to Wayaobao and met with Zhang Wentian, Mao Zedong and others.



Comrade Zhang Hao, who boasts two long marches to seek for the Party organization alone during his lifetime, sets a shining example for all Party members.