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百个党史微故事75 | 教师党员张真为您推荐《独臂虎将彭绍辉》
发布时间:2021-06-04     作者:   分享到:





推荐理由:彭绍辉,湖南韶山人, 新中国开国将帅中的光辉典范,与毛泽东同乡的虎将,经战火淬炼的雄鹰;他驰骋疆场,能征善战,勇猛顽强,文武兼备,忠直刚烈,身残志坚,受人敬仰、令人怀念。沧海横流,方显英雄本色,将军已去,但其精神长存。


One-armed Brave General: Peng Shaohui


After Peng Shaohui joined the revolutionary army, the first battle he participated in was the Pingjiang Uprising in July 1928, which marked the starting of his new life journey. Soon he joined the Communist Party of China. At that time, the army was facing the enemy’s encirclement, pursuit, obstruction and interception, and as the squadron leader, Peng Shaohui led the soldiers to cover the transfer of the major troop. A large number of enemies attacked them menacingly. They subdued the enemy after making several counterattacks, but his right hip was shot through by a bullet. During the retreat, several soldiers took turns helping him, and his every step left the road a blood footprint.


In the battle of Caotaigang in 1933, the First Division of the third Red Army Group led by Peng Shaohui took on the task of taking Pili Mountain by storm, which  was of great significance. It was a decisive battle in the fourth anti- “encirclement and suppression” campaign, which could completely crush the enemy’s “encirclement and suppression” .During the battle, Peng Dehuai, the commander of the army group,  kept calling Peng Shaohui, ordering that he must win the battle. Facing the orders from his superior, Peng Shaohui only replied with one sentence: “ I will not go down until I take Pili Mountain!” The unfavorable terrain and the gap in equipment between them and the enemy made the battle extremely tough. Faced with this unfavorable situation, Peng Shaohui did not act rashly, but took advantage of the enemy’s mistakes to lead the charge. During the battle, a heavy object hit his left arm. He knew that he was injured again, but in order to stabilize the soldiers’ mood, Peng Shaohui resolutely refused to evacuate. Gritting the teeth, he continued directing the battle. Finally, Pili Mountain was taken, but because of the lack of timely treatment and the shortage of anti-inflammatory drugs, he reluctantly chose the amputation and thus lost his left arm forever.


With his left arm lost, Peng Shaohui knew clearly that if a disabled person wants to remain as a revolutionary soldier, he must do things better than a healthy person. He thus decided to start from the very beginning, which was not an easy task. He had to practice everything: eating, dressing, reading, writing, legging, riding, and shooting. After a period of hard practicing regardless of battering, Peng Shaohui at last was able to act just like ordinary people again, and at the same time he was also ready to return to the battlefield.