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百个党史微故事6 | 党委委员刘肖栋为您推荐《彭德怀胃病严重仍然坚持不搞特殊》
发布时间:2021-03-27     作者:   分享到:












Marshal Peng’s Refusal of Preferential Treatment    


In April 1940, Marshal Zhu returned to Yan’an as per the decision made by the Central Committee. With only Marshal Peng Dehuai and Vice-Chief of Staff Zuo Quan staying behind for the frontline head office of the Eighth Route Army, Marshal Peng was in a position of shouldering added responsibilities.  



One day in summer, Marshal Pen tramped over the mountains and arrived at Shuiyao arm-shop in the Huang Shan Dong for a plant inspection.  


Knowing that Marshal Peng had stomach trouble, the comrades in General Affairs Section did not cook millet for him; instead, they made noodles and four dishes: scrambled eggs, tofu, potatoes, and cabbage.  


Marshal Peng asked, “Do the workers here have the same food for their dinner?” Cheng Mingsheng, the director of the arm-shop answered, “Yeah, pretty much the same.”  



Marshal Peng, with his hands clasped behind his back, went out without saying a single word.  


He went to the place where the workers were dining, seeing that they were eating millet and stir-fried cabbage. Marshal Peng went back and asked Cheng, “Who gave you the permission to grant such a favor to me?”  


Cheng replied, “Since you have stomach trouble, the Food Management Committee reached an agreement to cook noodles for you.”  


彭总的表情更加严肃起来:“我有胃病你们知道,难道工人中就没有得胃病的吗?你们知道吗?给我打小米饭来,不吃面条。”Marshal Peng’s face grew solemn, and he said, “You all know that I have stomach trouble. What about the workers here? Don’t any of them have stomach problems? Just give me millet instead of noodles.”程厂长知道犟不过彭总,只好把面条给了伤病员。Cheng knew very well that he was unable to make Marshal Peng change his mind. Having no choice, he gave the noodles to the sick and wounded.